All the Muck That's Fit to Rake

All the Muck is a blog that will look at a host of issues: politics; rhetoric; environmental problems; education; social justice; urban planning (or lack thereof); music; sports; and the beauty of living one's life via simplicity and taking it easy.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Attack/Campaign Ads

Most of us here in Missouri are probably tired of the McCaskill and Talent attack/campaign ads.

However, here are some curious slogans, campaign pitches, or photo opps. that never got produced for commercials or fliers.

I wonder why?

From the Talent Campaign:
-"Claire McCaskill, She Wants to Raise Taxes, especially for Log Cabin Republicans and the Gun Nuts"
-A commercial with background music mimicking Saturday Night Fever's theme "Staying Alive," but the chorus says "Staying the Course."
-Party pics with Virginia Senator George Allen that show Talent putting Allen's notorious noose around the his neck as a gag. The ad states, "See, Jim Talent isn't really a nerd!"
-A photo of Talent, Mark Foley, Kenneth Lay, Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham, and Rev. Ted Haggard all praying together.

From the McCaskill Campaign:
-"I'm rich like everyone else in D.C., but I know what you poor folks need."
-"Jim Talent, like most Republicans who protected Mark Foley, blames the Catholic Church."
-"I'm a cuter and smarter Hillary Clinton."
-"Vote or Die" (obvious plagiarism)


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