All the Muck That's Fit to Rake

All the Muck is a blog that will look at a host of issues: politics; rhetoric; environmental problems; education; social justice; urban planning (or lack thereof); music; sports; and the beauty of living one's life via simplicity and taking it easy.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Democratic Kool-Aid

Recent reports from the MSM and the new CBS/NYTimes Poll that exposes Ohioans' severe dissatisfaction with the GOP and Generalissimo Dubya seem to be providing some tasty Kool-Aid for the Democratic Party--they're beginning to finally believe in themselves, that they can at least take over one of the legislative bodies in November.

Call me a skeptic, but I don't see it happening. And one of my previous posts about the odds from Vegas substantiates my skepticism.

In fact, there's an odd line of thought out there that actually controlling one of the legislative bodies would put the Dems at a strategic disadvantage for the '08 presidential election. The specious reasoning is that since the Dems would have some bit of control (albeit against a probably energized arch-conservative block), voters would then hold them responsible for the Iraq mess, the economy, among other matters currently going to hell in a handbasket.

That strange paranoia I think is far outweighed by the potential power of Democrats to investigate war profiteering, etc. and the power to subpeona.

Nevertheless, if you go by this writer's recent column, I like the agenda that the Dems would lay out if they're successful.



At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recent reports from the MSM and the new CBS/NYTimes Poll that exposes Ohioans' severe dissatisfaction with the GOP...

It would be silly to generalize feelings from Ohio about the GOP to the rest of the country. The GOP is going to get crushed in Ohio because of various stupid and/or illegal acts committed by the state leaders over there.

Giving Dems credit/blame over the Iraq war because they control one chamber from 2006-08 would be likewise silly, but it would happen just like Presidents get credit/blame over the economy in their terms. In both cases the party would have some small measure of control over the event, but they are credited for having God-like omnipotence.

I stand by my earlier prediction. Democratic gains in both chambers but Republicans retain control on both sides of the Capitol.

p.s. Talent over McCaskill, 50.x to 49.x


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