All the Muck That's Fit to Rake

All the Muck is a blog that will look at a host of issues: politics; rhetoric; environmental problems; education; social justice; urban planning (or lack thereof); music; sports; and the beauty of living one's life via simplicity and taking it easy.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Oil and Food

This article...


provides yet more reasons why the US needs to move toward more renewable forms of energy and more sustainable farming practices. The solution, for many of us, is to by our food locally.

So get your butts to the farmer's markets and help out Missouir and Illinois farmers. And perhaps you'll save some money too.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Travis Reems said...


As a supporter of local businesses, I visit the Soulard Market often, but am frequently disappointed by the produce offerings. Most of the produce is not locally grown, but rather shipped-in, and not being refrigerated, as would they would be at a large grocer, they are ready to spoil. The upside to the Soulard Market is definitely the deep fried pork rines. mmmMMMmmm, just feel the arteries closing.

I've not been to the Towergrove Market, yet. I tend to believe that the selection there is more fresh, as I met a couple of the vendors at the Iron Barley's Tomatofest, and their selections that day were very fresh.

Are there any markets in particular that you suggest?

At 4:04 PM, Blogger KBO said...

Tower Grove is great for local, organic/sustainable produce, as is Maplewood (@ Schlafly's on Wednesdays), although it's a bit smaller. There are several of the same vendors at both. I've never been, but heard good things about Clayton, and I've been to the Kirkwood one a few times and was impressed, but it's not close enough to my house to warrant me going there often.

Be prepared to pay a lot more for this produce than at Soulard, but it's worth, it in my opinion. My favorite vendor is Brett Palmier from Biver Farms. He's friendly and I've never been more than completely stunned by his produce. Try the orange cherry tomatoes!.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Quintilian B. Nasty said...

I tend to gravitave toward certain vendors at Soulard, ones that are local. You eat what's in season, and you cut out the middle man. Soulard does have quite a few food resellers who offer very cheap food. So if you're looking for deals, Soulard is the place. For example, three heads of green leaf lettuce for a buck. Eat quickly though.

I haven't been to Tower Grove yet, but Schlafly's Wed. market is quite good and locally focused.


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