All the Muck That's Fit to Rake

All the Muck is a blog that will look at a host of issues: politics; rhetoric; environmental problems; education; social justice; urban planning (or lack thereof); music; sports; and the beauty of living one's life via simplicity and taking it easy.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Yes, I Was One of "Those People" in Today's Primary

You know the ones who stand outside the polling stations delivering candidate fliers, "Here is some information on Candidate X...We hope for your support," etc.

It was muggy.

And the turnout was pathetic in my idealistic eyes. The polling station I vultured at had a slow trickle of people coming to vote.

This 4th District race is an interesting one. Gambaro is strong, obviously, on the Hill and appeals to the "Pro Life Democrats." Boykins and El-Amin will divvy up most of the African-American vote. And Smith corrals significant splinters--young progressives, a small and important portion of African-Americans, fervent liberals, and folks who like his grassroots moxy.

We'll see what the 10 o'clock news brings, but we probably won't know until late tonight.


At 10:29 AM, Blogger Travis Reems said...

If you had the luck of shade at your polling place, the occasional breeze and general cloud coverage made the job much less a burden.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger Quintilian B. Nasty said...

We did have a bit of shade, but the auto exhaust from the cars traveling on Kingshighway was not pleasant at all.



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