All the Muck That's Fit to Rake

All the Muck is a blog that will look at a host of issues: politics; rhetoric; environmental problems; education; social justice; urban planning (or lack thereof); music; sports; and the beauty of living one's life via simplicity and taking it easy.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Now This Is Getting Downright Strange

I opened my mailbox Saturday only to find a letter for Gambaro.

I feel like a person who has prepared for a storm, but it never came. I am disappointed. I am dejected. I'm so unrequited. Have I contracted some sort of political Stockholm Syndrome? I expected more from these folks.

But there's always Monday and Tuesday I guess.

The letter I received on behalf on Gambaro is a curious one, one filled with politically motivated pathos.

Get this: It's written by his wife, Linda.

He has his wife write a letter for him? I would normally take this as utterly befuddling and almost political suicide. My wife would write a great letter for me if I go out on the job market too, but the whole point of this missive is to sway the reader through its emotional content.

In particular, Mrs. Gambaro details exactly why Derio didn't try for a third term as a state representative. She tells us that "His choice was made because I had just spent a year battling breast cancer" and "he made a choice to spend quality time with his family during an uncertain and frightening time."

Now, I know breast cancer survivors; I'm perplexed by this letter. It's hard to get angry at his wife trying to shill for him. But, then again, I'm kind of disgusted by someone using a trying and horrible situation as political leverage. It scratches me the wrong way. It's, as the pols call it, crass "dog whistling."

What I heard about from someone today, and if it's true, has just taken this race to a whole new lower level. Apparently, there were calls ("robocalls," automated phone messages) the past couple of days by someone impersonating Jeff Smith and saying outlandish things. Now that's sketchy campaign-induced behavior. How can a 5'6" political science nerd inspire so much vitriol?

Still not much scorched earth in the 4th District.



At 2:19 PM, Blogger KBO said...

Gambaro has used some strange tactics. We got a flier full of random statements about Jeff such as "Jeff Smith isn't even from St Louis. He moved here one year ago," and "Jeff Smith has accepted campaign donations from Hollywood, San Francisco, and Washington DC. He wants people outside of Missouri to control the Missouri Senate." The rhetoric behind these statements baffles me. I doubt Hollywood has a vested interest in the Missouri State Senate.

Of course, I worked on Jeff's campaign, so I'm biased.

Aside from that, love your blog. It's very similar to mine. Check it out at I just started it a week ago or so.


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