All the Muck That's Fit to Rake

All the Muck is a blog that will look at a host of issues: politics; rhetoric; environmental problems; education; social justice; urban planning (or lack thereof); music; sports; and the beauty of living one's life via simplicity and taking it easy.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Gambaro = a Democrat in Name Only

In the curious race for the 4th Missouri Senate District, it'll be a heated battle with four (of five) strong candidates.

But one thing for sure is that Mr. Gambaro isn't even a centrist Democrat. He makes Joe "Joe-mentum" Lieberman look slightly liberal.

Gambaro supposedly backs the President's privatization scheme for Social Security, he opposes stem cell research (Wash U is in the 4th District), he supports a voucher system, and on and on and on.

It's also been intimated by various sources that he's taken money ($25K)from folks who almost always back GOP candidates in Missouri.

Even worse is that some of his backers have been doing an ridiculous phone campaign that implies that Mr. Smith is gay. This is similar to the "black baby" strategy that Bush used against McCain in South Carolina.


Voters in the 4th District deserve better than this. Let's talk about issues and which candidate will actually listen to and work with his constituents.


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